S2E2: Hysterectomy and Healing after Infertility with Meghan Hertzfeldt
Neighborhood Twin Mom - A podcast by Amber, Neighborhood Twin Mom

Meghan Hertzfeldt is twin mom to fraternal twin boys who started kindergarten this year. Meghan is an IVF warrior and infertility survivor. She talks in this episode about years after her twins were born going to therapy to heal her heart from the years of infertility. Meghan also discusses her recent hysterectomy and her new lease on life. Meghan Hertzfeldt, with Jennifer Bonicelli, co-authored You Can Two: The Essential Twins Preparation Guide and A Dad's Guide to Newborn Twins: Unleash your Inner Super Dad. They also run the website and community Two Came True. Find them here or on Instagram @TwoCameTrue Shop Kindred Bravely and save 20% off your first purchase with this link https://bit.ly/3F64huq Buy the best nursing bra, comfy PJs or lounge wear, clothes for pregnancy, post partum, nursing/pumping or everyday. Join the Neighborhood and sign up for notification e-mails when new episodes drop To be a guest on the show head to NeighborhoodTwinMom.Com and fill out the "Be our Guest" form Follow Amber on Instagram @NeighborhoodTwinMom Inquires for Neighborhood Twin Mom, email [email protected]