375 - Planet Terror (2007)
Neon Brainiacs (A Retro Horror Movie Podcast) - A podcast by Neon Brainiacs - Wednesdays

Humanity's last hope... rests on a high power machine gun! GivingThanks month continues! All Patreon picks, all month! This week your hosts cover a film requested from Patron Ameila: One half of the 2007 Grindhouse double feature -- Planet Terror! After an experimental nerve gas gets out, the population of Texas start to transform into fleshing-eating mutants! It's up to a ragtag band of well-armed townsfolk to survive the night. Will the boys make it til morning? Find out here! Also this week: Tarantino impressions, '80s vs '90s action movies, and Ben's possible crow wedding. All this--and a whole lot more--on this week's episode of NEON BRAINIACS! Put down that ghaddang Caramello and check out our Patreon for tons of bonus content, exclusive goodies, and access to our Discord! "Give him the gun. Give him all the guns." Misophonia warning: As this is a Patreon pick episode, we are continuing the "EAT" bit. If you are uncomfortable with or bothered by slight chewing sounds, you can skip to 12:00 minute mark and should be fine.