Episode 156: Interview With Business and Life Coach Brooks Hollan

Networking and Marketing Made Simple - A podcast by Scott Aaron


Deep down, you KNOW you have greatness inside. You KNOW you are destined for big things. BUT one or a couple of these things keep showing up... You don't know 'how' to unleash it. In your head you know what you want... But you keep self sabotaging and giving in to that 'voice' in your head. You keep researching and learning. Yet taking the action is STILL uncomfortable...So you go back to "learn more" to make the discomfort go away. More books... More podcasts... More courses... More events... More masterminds... More of whatever it is that distracts you and keeps you from taking action. But at this point, you 'know' a TON... But there is STILL this invisible force that keeps you from acting on it. You call it perfectionism, and when you get it 'perfect', THEN you will be ready! It has been years now, and still no action in sight. When not seeking 'knowledge' to 'know enough' to get started... There are other ways you self sabotage. Do you binge watch Netflix? Will you get started AFTER you watch this series or season? Or will you look for that popular series as soon as this one ends? Maybe you are like me... And you have the uncanny ability to do everything BUT what you know you need to do. It could be dusting the shelves in the garage. Organizing things from closets to email folders. It could be ANYTHING you use to repeatedly keep you from taking action. Do you feel me? I get it. I LIVED in that place for well over 25+ years. But wait, maybe you DO take massive action! Maybe you are a 'GET SH!T DONE' machine! Maybe you hit every business goal you set! Maybe you MASTER your 'to-do list' every day! For the most part, you are SUCCESSFUL!! You have the accolades, the awards, and the financial evidence of success! BUT... Deep inside, you are beginning to realize something is missing. You are feeling the burn-out as you can't 'DO' any more. You can't shut your head off. You can't be present. You can't take time for YOU. Your relationships have lost that luster, if you still have one at all. You can't take a vacation and truly ENJOY it. A vacation had become just a different place to 'do work'. You go back to doing 'more', yet now...it isn't working anymore. This person above wasn't me.... BUT...it was what I attracted in relationships. I couldn't take action, so I was attracted to those that could...and did. No matter which side of this you are on...there is a path to unleashing your TRUE greatness AND... Living a fulfilled life where you are at peace with yourself. The thing is, the answer isn't in a book, or a podcast. It is already INSIDE you... You just need the right guide to help you get there. My strength is in listening, connecting, and seeing your greatness... And compressing time by guiding you there quickly. My process is simple, but not easy. Yet it is still easier than living with THAT feeling you are experiencing now. You will only choose my path when you are FED UP with where you are in life. When you are TRULY ready, you will know it in your soul. You will get the freedom, peace, joy, and fulfillment that have been evading you for years. www.service2purpose.com