Dianne Kosto ”From Trauma to Triumph: A Mom’s Mission With Neurofeedback”

Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning - A podcast by Andrea Samadi


“Your brain is the organ of your personality, character and intelligence and is heavily involved in making you who you are.” Dr. Daniel Amen Watch this interview on YouTube here https://youtu.be/H8miiiqugDs On today's episode #309 with Dianne Kosto we will cover: ✔  What is neurofeedback, and how it can help someone struggling with anxiety, depression, brain fog, or mental health issues. ✔ Dianne Kosto's story "From Trauma to Triumph." What's the story of her son? What did she do to help him? Where is he TODAY? ✔ How does neurofeedback change the structure and function of the brain? ✔ Dianne's journey and when she first noticed the importance of a healthy brain, for a happy life. ✔ How to reach Dianne and her team to learn more. So if we notice something is not right with our ability to think clearly (brain fog) or our decision-making ability, or our ability to focus and concentrate, it would make sense that we begin with looking at this organ that controls everything that we are, and everything that we do. Welcome back to The Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, where we connect the science-based evidence behind social and emotional learning (that’s finally being taught in our schools today) and emotional intelligence training (used in our modern workplaces) for improved well-being, achievement, productivity and results—using what I saw as the missing link (since we weren’t taught this when we were growing up in school), the application of practical neuroscience. I’m Andrea Samadi, an author, and an educator with a passion for learning and launched this podcast 5 years ago with the goal of bringing ALL the leading experts together (in one place) to uncover the most current research that would back up how the brain learns best, taking us ALL to new, and often unimaginable heights.    For today’s episode #309 we will be speaking with Dianne Kosto, the CEO and founder of Symmetry Neuro PT. Dianne is a Mom on a Mission to make neurofeedback (to help the brain learn to better regulate) accessible and easy, with a global vision for improving the lives and brains for families who have a member struggling with physical or emotional pain, that we all know disrupts everything in our day-to-day life. I wanted to cover Dianne’s work on the podcast because while I have heard about neurofeedback as a brain-based therapy to improve brain function without medication, I don’t know much about it. Let’s meet Dianne Kosto, and see what she has created with Symmetry PT to help all of us to live happier, and healthier lives, with our brain health and function in mind. Welcome Dianne, it’s wonderful to meet you. Where are we reaching you today? Q1: I want to dive right in here, as I think the company that you have founded solves a critical need in the world today. I don’t think I know anyone who has not seen the effects of high stress in our daily lives. Can you start out with why you founded Symmetry NeuroPathway Training? What’s the story of your son? What did you notice he needed support with? What gaps did you see with our current healthcare system that caused you to take action? Where did you first begin to connect the brain to our mental health? What changed did you see with your son? HOW did these changes take place? Q2: For those of us who might have heard of this type of treatment, but like me, if I’ve not used something, it’s not easy to explain it. Can you give us an overview? What is Neurofeedback? (alters the structure and function and brain). EEG biofeedback? Q3: How does neuroplasticity occur with neurofeedback? Why do think this brain-based therapy is so successful with making long-term changes in someone who might be struggling in some way? Q4: What are some of the most common issues that are improved with neurofeedback? Q5: The whole reason I do this podcast, connecting the brain to our schools, sports and workplaces, is that we were never taught about the importance of a healthy brain when we