Dr. Konstantin Korotkov on ”Bridging the Spiritual World With Science: Tapping into the Power of Our Thoughts, Energy Fields and Intention.”

Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning - A podcast by Andrea Samadi


“All you need is just a strong desire and you will bask in the sun in the courtyard of a French café, and in front of your eyes the icy peaks will be sparkling. You can reach this with the energy of your thoughts. “In a dream or what?”  –reader asks in surprise. “No, in reality, and achievement of the desired depends on you only.” Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, The Energy of Consciousness. Watch this interview on YouTube here https://youtu.be/nmvtN2uEvnE     On today's episode #307 with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, we will cover: ✔  A review of EPISODE #306 and why it's important that we understand how our thoughts CAN influence others. ✔ What is GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) that takes the Kirlian Effect to new heights and how can this tool help us with our health, productivity and well-being? ✔  A look back at Russian Scientist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov's career, that led him to embrace the idea that we are spiritual beings, living a human experience first and foremost. ✔ An overview of the Bio-Well Congress Conference coming this November 10th-12 in Orlando, Florida. Who is attending and how is there work important in the world. ✔ How exactly does Dr. Korotkov's work bridge the unseen spiritual world, with the rigorous and rigid world of Science? ✔ How does mental telepathy work, and how can we use it? ✔ Some of the biggest mysteries of the world Dr. Korotkov has seen with his own eyes. ✔ How he suggests we can ALL raise the consciousness of the world and live happier, more productive lives.    Welcome back to The Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, where we connect the science-based evidence behind social and emotional learning (that’s finally being taught in our schools today) and emotional intelligence training (used in our modern workplaces) for improved well-being, achievement, productivity and results—using what I saw as the missing link (since we weren’t taught this when we were growing up in school), the application of practical neuroscience. I’m Andrea Samadi, an author, and an educator with a passion for learning and launched this podcast 5 years ago with the goal of bringing ALL the leading experts together (in one place) to uncover the most current research that would back up how the brain learns best, taking us ALL to new, and often unimaginable heights.    For today’s episode #307, I’m beyond excited to have the opportunity to speak with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, for many reasons that started when I found him as one of the inventors of GDV (gas discharge visualization) while researching Dr. Joe Dispenza for our last episode. I had no idea what a trip I would go on, reading his books, that took me all over the world, and into many different exciting, and mind-boggling directions. My questions for Dr. Korotkov started with the fact that we all have an energy field, we are all connected and “can influence each other.”  Konstantin Korotkov calls this electrophonics and explains its origin that goes back to 1777 in Brazil and then Russia. While I had always wondered about the science behind this technology, I had no idea what else his work would open my mind to. Here's a bit more about Dr. Korotkov’s background. He’s a doctor of Sciences and a Professor, working at the University of St. Petersburg, Russia. In over 40 years of scientific activity, he’s published more than 300 scientific articles, 12 books, (translated into many European languages), and he holds 9 patents. In his youth, he was actively engaged in mountaineering at the Championship level in the Soviet Union. All his life, he’s had a passion for travel. In the last 25 years, he has been among those who have been designing devices for gas discharge visualization (GDV– development of Kirlian effect), which allows rapid analysis of the human health condition and, in many cases, identifies the hidden causes of diseases and specific systems while revealing organs that require special attention. This technology is widely used in th