19. Being Married to a narcissist: how I knew and got out. w/ Samira Mohammed
Never Fully Understood - A podcast by Fatima Garba

Samira is incredibly brave! Not only did she escape a toxic situation, but she's also sharing her story to help others. Her resilience is truly inspiring. In our society, it's crucial to raise awareness about emotional abuse and its detrimental effects. I genuinely hope that anyone going through this can find the strength to leave or make their partner understand the seriousness of the issue. By the way, Samira found some books that helped her gain perspective and made her leaving a little easier: * He’s not so good for you ~ Beth Wilson * When love hurts ~ Jill Cory and Karen McAndless-Davis Connect with Samira Mohammed on https://instagram.com/reclaimingsafety?igshid=MmVlMjlkMTBhMg== Follow us on instagram: https://instagram.com/neverfullyunderstood_?igshid=NzZhOTFlYzFmZQ==