Robin Maynard | New Big 5 Podcast With Graeme Green
New Big 5 - A podcast by New Big 5 Project
Robin Maynard is the Director of Population Matters, a charity organisation focused on population issues around the world. Their patrons include Sir David Attenborough, Chris Packham and Dr Jane Goodall. In the year 1900, there were just 1.6 billion people living on planet Earth. By the 1960s, the figure had doubled. Today, there are just under 7.8 billion, with the UN predicting it will reach 9.7 billion by 2050 and around 11 billion by 2100. In this podcast, we talk about why population is a vital, central issue in the future of the planet and how the Earth's rapidly growing population has an impact on every major issue we face, from climate change to human poverty to loss of habitat and other threats to wildlife.