James Lindsay Discovers Decolonizing Graphic Design

New Discourses - A podcast by New Discourses


In February, I discovered an article on Twitter about “decolonizing graphic design,” published in the summer of last year. These sorts of articles are incredibly useful for showing exactly what’s going on in the Critical Social Justice mindset once you know how to read them, and this one doesn’t disappoint. After quickly threading about the article on Twitter to show it and explain it to my followers, I grabbed my microphone for an impromptu discussion of what I read. Support New Discourses: https://patreon.com/newdiscourses Website: https://newdiscourses.com Follow: https://facebook.com/newdiscourses https://twitter.com/NewDiscourses https://instagram.com/newdiscourses https://linkedin.com/company/newdiscourses https://minds.com/newdiscourses https://reddit.com/r/NewDiscourses © 2020 New Discourses. All rights reserved.