Have You Met Your Imprintome Yet? Here’s Why You Should

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald | New Frontiers in Functional Medicine, Longevity, Epigenetics - A podcast by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

The epigenetic pioneer, Dr. Randy Jirtle, returns to New Frontiers to share his latest groundbreaking work. And I really do mean groundbreaking. Dr. Jirtle's work in mapping our "imprintome" is literally creating a brand new branch of scientific study that is expected to provide valuable insights and opportunities for epigenetially-targeted therapies, including nutrition and lifestyle. What I so appreciate about Dr. Jirtle's work is that it clearly demonstrates how we are not inescapably at the mercy of our genes. Instead, Dr. Jirtle views disease-associated genes as a starting point for the environment to direct its expression. Join me on this episode of New Frontiers to find out what your imprintome actually is, why it is so important, and what you can expect from this area of scientific discovery in the near future. ~DrKF