EP 41: ECO-TOMORROW (w/ Sam Moore)

New Models - A podcast by New Models


Writer and researcher Sam Moore speaks about his new book, with Alex Roberts, THE RISE of ECOFASCISM: CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE FAR RIGHT (Polity, 2022), which finds, in the dissolution of pre-millennial frameworks for climate, capital, and governance, conditions that are ripe for the re-emergence of fascist formulations of power. We talk to Sam about the interface between humans and the natural world; the return of trad values; and strategies for climate change mitigation that short-circuit the instrumentalization of nature as a tool for capitalist expansion and/or a race-based ordering of the world. Sam is also a co-host of the podcast @12rulesforwhat and leads the Collapsology group that meets weekly via the New Models Discord and publishes to http://collapsology.substack.com/ Twitter: https//twitter.com/sammoorewrites Pod: https://www.patreon.com/12rulesforwhat/ Substack: http://collapsology.substack.com/ Book: https://www.politybooks.com/bookdetail?book_slug=the-rise-of-ecofascism-climate-change-and-the-far-right--9781509545377 Book: https://dogsection.org/press/pifr/