Unlocked | Bonn Afterhours w/ Joshua Citarella & Dena Yago

New Models - A podcast by New Models


First released: 10 Dec 2022 | To join New Models, you can find us via https://patreon.com/newmodels & https://newmodels.substack.com Recorded mid-“Future of Critique”-conference in the former West German capital of Bonn, this conversation with New York-based artist & consultant DENA YAGO (formerly K-HOLE) and artist JOSHUA CITARELLA real-talk-debriefs some of the structural models on which legacy criticism built its house. Topics include: the museum’s changing cultural status, the knock-on effects of “anti-gatekeeping” discourse, speculative near-future museum defense strategies, the alt paths of younger artists, and what publishing models stand a chance post-2022. For more: Dena Yago, “Content Industrial Complex,” e-flux #89 (2018) Tw: @khole_dena / IG: @denayags Joshua Citarella patreon.com/joshuacitarella Tw @JoshuaCitarella / IG: @JoshuaCitarella Bundeskunsthalle Bonn "Future of Critique" Congress, 18 Nov. 2022: “Memes vs. Museums” Panel: Joshua Citarella, Dena Yago, Cem A. (@freeze_magazine), mod. Gregor Quack // “Do You Know Where You Live” Keynote: Caroline Busta & Lil Internet