News in Slow English - Episode 7

For the first half of our program, we’re going to look at what’s happening around the world this week. We’ll begin with a discussion of China’s most important political event that ended on Tuesday - the Communist Party Congress. Next, we’ll address the results of Czech elections and the nomination of the Populist billionaire Andrej Babiš. After that, we’ll discuss the discovery by scientists from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) of a 30 mile-long cave on the surface of the moon. And finally, we’ll talk about a rumor that has spread throughout social media this week. Xi Jinping is China’s most powerful leader since Mao Zedong Populist billionaire to become next Czech leader Cave on moon’s surface could serve as shelter for humans Melania Trump imposter theory captivates the internet As always, the second part of our show will be dedicated to American culture and the English language. In the grammar section of our program, we’ll illustrate the use of today’s topic: Countable and Uncountable Nouns. And we’ll close this week’s program with a new English expression: “To go back to the drawing board.”