How I Vetted 744 Marketing Providers and Match Agencies and Clients
Niche Pursuits Podcast: Find Your Next "Niche" Business Idea! - A podcast by Spencer Haws:

Behdad Jamshidi is a former engineer turned marketing consultant. A few years back, he decided to adapt his problem-solving skills to vet over 700 marketing providers and joins us to share his findings. Why is this helpful? He helps businesses understand marketing and marketers understand the business side of things. In other words, his insights give those looking to hire - helpful tips to make better decisions. And on the flip side, he helps service providers gain a competitive advantage by better understanding where businesses are directing their marketing budgets. For those looking to hire, he stresses the significance of understanding business goals before hiring out to an agency's services. When vetting agencies, he suggests inquiring about their growth story, longevity, and team structure, recommending stable agencies with 5-15 employees or niche agencies with strong pod structures. And he highlights the importance of passionate team members for ensuring quality work and advises building relationships with the team members you'll be working with. He also explains how marketing trends are shifting toward building brand presence and customer connections. And shares great insights for agencies on how key investment areas are trending toward email marketing, SEO, and influencer marketing. He also highlights content repurposing and social media as increasingly attractive marketing strategies for businesses. Another interesting area Behdad discusses both for businesses and agencies are the red flags he highlights. Things like: Agencies claiming to be full-service, Boasting rapid growth rates, And showcasing big-name clients without clear involvement. Overall, he shares how successful businesses exhibit long-term thinking, have a dedicated marketing budget, and possess internal staff who understand marketing language. As he covers, marketing is a journey where we need to test strategies and continuously improve over time, and with advice like what's shared in this episode, we can have the confidence we're heading in the right direction. Be sure to get more content like this in the Niche Pursuits Newsletter Right Here: Want a Faster and Easier Way to Build Internal Links? Get $15 off Link Whisper with Discount Code "Podcast" on the Checkout Screen: Get SEO Consulting from the Niche Pursuits Podcast Host, Jared Bauman: