59: Nintendo E3 2019 Spectacular!
Nintendo Dispatch - A podcast by soundbite.fm
We have your full breakdown of Nintendo's E3 digital press conference where there were some major announcements including Animal Crossing, Zelda, Luigi's Mansion 3, DQ XI, The Dark Crystal, Fire Emblem, and so so so so so much more! Follow Us Michael: Twitter, Instagram, Blog James: Twitter, Blog, YouTube Nintendo Dispatch: Twitter & Website Proudly recorded on Zencastr ⭐⭐ Review Us ⭐⭐Links:Nintendo Direct for E3 2019 - YouTubeElder Scrolls Blades Is Coming to Switch - E3 2019 - IGNNi No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch Will Grace The Switch This Fall - Nintendo LifeMonolith Soft's Takahashi and Harada Interview, Xeno2 sold 1,73M copies [4Gamer, jp] | ResetEraNintendo Announces Splatoon 2's Final Splatfest, Chaos Vs. Order - Nintendo LifeJapanese Nintendo