A Most Important Prayer Request

No Higher Calling - A podcast by Brettnay Brazzell

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools God has given us for every aspect of life, but especially when it comes to parenting. The most important prayer request we can intercede for on the behalf of our children is for their salvation and relationship with the Lord. The next most important, I believe, is praying for your child's future spouse. So much of what their future will look like will be directly connected with the person they marry.  In this episode, I challenge mothers to pray for their child's future spouse. We take it a step further giving the challenge to also pray for the parents of your child's future spouse. If you are anything like me, you need the power of the Holy Spirit and divine wisdom to raise your children for Christ. So do the parents who are raising your future daugther or son-in-law! What a powerful thing it would be to meet them one day, and be able to say that you've spent decades praying for them!    Scriptures Referenced: II Corinthians 6:14 I Thessalonians 5:16   Resources Referenced: Head to Toe Prayer Journal: https://nohighercalling.org/product/head-to-toe-prayer-journal/    Follow my  journey by subscribing to this podcast. You can also follow me on Instagram, YouTube, and www.nohighercalling.org