Homeschooling & Discipleship

No Higher Calling - A podcast by Brettnay Brazzell

For the next three episodes of the podcast, we'll be chatting about homeschooling! This is a huge part of our lives, and it is something and Simeon and I are very passionate about. The goal of education is so much more than academic success. Our goal for the education of our children is to introduce them to God, allowing them to know God better. As they learn of Him, we learn about the world He created (science, history, literature) and the order He instilled in the world (math, languages, civics). Home is the ideal place to invest in this calling of discipleship and learning. Home is where we can lay the foundation of what real like looks like and how to accomplish real life skills. You do not have to homeschool to emphasize those things, but homeschooling does give margin for more time and opportunities to train. Simeon and I share our hearts, and why we believe that home education is the best choice for our family. If you are on the fence about school choices, or maybe you've never thought and prayed through the decision, we hope that this episode will give you some great conversation and prayer points!   Outline of biblical reasons why we have chosen home education (taken from the list in the the Clarkson's book) -Homeschooling allows the greatest opportunity for emphasizing the Word of God in a child's life  II Tim 3:16-17; Heb 4:12-13; I Thess 2:13   -Homeschooling allows the greatest opportunity for strategic discipleship influence in a child's life Luke 6:10; Matthew 28:18-20; Col 2:6-7; II Tim 2:2   -Homeschooling provides the best setting for dynamic learning through exposure to real-life experiences James 1:2-4; Proverbs   -Homeschooling provides the best setting for discovering and developing spiritual gifts and personal skills and talents I Pet 4:10-11; Col 3:17; II Tim 1:6-7   -Homeschooling is the best way to live out the biblical picture of walking with your children on God's path of life until they walk it on their own Proverbs 4:1-19; John 14:6; Eph 5:1-2   Scriptures Referenced: Deuteronomy 6:7-9 Mark 3:13-15 I Corinthians 11:1 II Timothy 1:5   Resources: Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson  General Order Four (discipleship podcast)  NHC Podcast: Parenting & Discipleship    Follow my  journey by subscribing to this podcast. You can also follow me on Instagram, YouTube, and