When Grief Changes Everything

No Higher Calling - A podcast by Brettnay Brazzell - Thursdays

"It is a mercy that our lives are not left for us to plan, but that our Father chooses for us; else might we sometimes turn away from our best blessings, and put from us the choicest and loveliest gifts of His providence." -Susannah Spurgeon Most of us have a chapter of our story that brought us deep grief. We live in a broken world where trials and sorrow abound. What does one do when grief changes everything? How can we move forward in hope?  I share from my own personal experience with grief how it has changed everything for me. There felt like a time where the darkness was so present that I'd never find light again. But, for the believer, there is hope! There is an "after" to the grief. Scars remain, but God brings healing. Be encouraged, friend! "Suffering is never for nothing!" -Elisabeth Elliot   Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 23; 73:26; 119:71 Isiah 43:2 Romans 5:2-5; 8:28-29   Resources: NHC Podcast: Gifts Discovered in Grief https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/ep-11-gifts-discovered-in-grief/id1547126864?i=1000512611671  NHC Podcast: All Things for Our Good https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/ep-33-all-things-for-our-good/id1547126864?i=1000530384520 Great Hymns for Growing Hearts by Brettnay Brazzell https://www.newmerciesmusic.com/product-page/great-hymns-for-growing-hearts      Follow my  journey by subscribing to this podcast. You can also follow me on Instagram, YouTube, and www.nohighercalling.org Subscribe to the NHC email at www.nohighercalling.org