What do you need to lead?

No More Hiding - A podcast by Gemma Stow


What do you need to lead?


On today’s episode we talk about a number of things:

  • How understanding your personality preferences can help you be more of yourself at work
  • How going to the cinema on your own can be a revelation
  • You don’t have to fake it to make it
  • Why taking your mask of at work is so important for success
  • Owning your introversion and how you want to lead and manage your team's expectations


Mark Gilroy is Managing Director of TMS Development International Ltd, a leading global provider of psychometric development tools designed to create and sustain high performing teams. Mark has a background in occupational psychology, and has been working in the L&D arena as an executive coach and team development facilitator for over a decade. 


“We all care that people would like us, we want to belong and we want to be involved” (Mark Gilroy)

“But you can shake off this feeling that you need to behave in a certain way in order to impress people” (Mark Gilroy)

“Managers who feel they need to present a particular face” (Mark Gilroy)

“She told me that she felt that she had to wear a mask everyday to work” (Gemma Stow)

“The environment must make her feel like that so there's so work to do there in that company but the other is that she has to pretend to be someone she is not every day” (Gemma Stow)

“How do we get to that point of feeling so comfortable with ourselves knowing that’s enough that's good enough”

“For a number of years I have been quite comfortable to go out on my own and that feels good to me but there was a time it didn't” (Gemma Stow)

“These are the fears that stop them from being more visible” (Gemma Stow)

“This is how I lead and this is what I need” (Gemma Stow)

“For a lot of people there is an archetype of what leadership looks like” (Mark Gilroy)


#NoMoreHiding #Leadership #Selfpromotion #Femaleleaders #personalitypreference


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Connect with your host Gemma Stow:

Website: https://www.gemmastow.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemmastow/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gemmastow

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamgemmastow/


Connect with Mark Gilroy:

Website: www.tmsdi.com

Twitter: @thatmarkgilroy  @tmsdi

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgilroy