098: Fiona Apple

No Small Thing - A podcast by No Small Thing Podcast


Join us this week as we gush are rave over Fiona Apple's newest album! We begin this episode with a conversation between Scott and Macie about first having Fiona on their radar (Macie being a big fan has a lot to say!) and then they jump right into a conversation about her latest album Fetch the Bolt Cutters...which is SO SO SO good! They talk first impressions, favorite songs and lyrics AND THEN in the second half of the episode the no small team is joined by Lindsay, Mack, and Aaron - close friends of Macie's and super Fiona fans- these are the folks with whom Macie found their love for Fiona with. The conversation only amps up more as Mack (an ultra Fiona fan) unlocks us with the Fiona facts and recitation. Enjoy...and Fetch those damn bolt cutters!!!