135: Enneagram: #nota4 (with David Gray and John Luckovich)
No Small Thing - A podcast by No Small Thing Podcast
Join us this week as we sat down and talked all things Enneagram with David Gray and John Luckovich from Big Hormone Enneagram and enneagramer.com. These two have such wonderful insights into the enneagram, typing, and its symbolic roots. Our conversation was lead by curiosity as we first picked David and John's brains about all things enneagram from essence, personality, ego, growth, mistyping and more. David and John have a FRESH approach to the Enneagram that we found so refreshing throughout the conversation. The second half of the conversation shifts towards typing/mistyping as Mace opened themselves up to if they are a 4 after all...slowly, patiently, and surely David and John talked both Scott and Mace through the type distinctions between 9/4 and by the end it was clear Mace is actually a 9!! This episode is for anyone who is interested in the enneagram, the wisdom within the conversation was profound...