Norse myth & sagas with Sigrdrifa - A podcast by SIGRDRIFA

(Hyperborean) WINTER SOLSTICE 2021We are painfully reminded..that we are prisoners of an ancient legend… we shall die by and for this legend"... This natural world of wonder is now under siege… The system of technocracy is in effect brining our world to slavery.. and master control as we have never seen before… ..and we aslo know that the onslaught and fierce intensity in this cosmic war on the races shall intensify..Our race believes in Hyperborean magic, it is the Order of Odin-Wotan. Made by SIGRDRIFA PODCAST 2021. Inspired by the Mestro Miguel Serrano "Hail to our Sun this day lighting our path on the way we are going home no more being alone rising each day a newjoy in the mourning due Hail to our Sun this day Hail to our Sun Hail to winter solstice 2021" Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Orchestra version)