How Gratitude Can Help In Healing A Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Fear Of Recurrence

Not Today Cancer - A podcast by Jen Delvaux

GRATITUDE  "In the face of demoralization, gratitude has the power to energize. In the face of brokenness, gratitude has the power to heal. In the face of despair, gratitude has the power to bring hope. In other words, gratitude can help us cope with hard times." ― Robert Emmons Gratitude can: Increase our resilience in the face of stress and crisis Open us up to new opportunities and experiences   Impact our physical responses, including lowered blood pressure, increased immunity and reduced stress, which may lower our risks for health complications Bring an increase in healthy behaviors, such as regular exercise, preventive health care and healthy diet Contribute to more satisfying relationships with friends, family and our respective communities In this epside we discuss ways to cultivate more gratitude. PUSH JOURNAL: Get my new book Not Today Cancer HERE: * Pique Tea: Favorite Tea-> NOT TODAY CANCER CLUB -> GROUPS TO JOIN: * STRONGER TOGETHER - Cancer group for women you can request to join: MY FAVORITES: To help with sleep → Sleepi Gummies: * Pique Tea: Favorite Tea-> * ORGANIFI Chocolate: -> Use JEND at check out to save 15% off.