Alvin Toffler
Now I've Heard Everything - A podcast by Bill Thompson
A look back at our future One of the most successful, and influential, futurists of our time was Alvin Toffler. is 1970 book Future Shock, and his 1980 bestseller The Third Wave, set millions of readers on a new path of thinking. As you listen to this 1990 interview try to remember where you were and what you were doing in 1990. Then judge for yourself if Toffler's forecast was accurate. Get PowerShift by Alvin Toffler As an Amazon Associate, Now I've Heard Everything earns from qualifying purchases. You may also enjoy my interviews with John Sculley and Al Neuharth For more vintage interviews with celebrities, leaders, and influencers, subscribe to Now I've Heard Everything on Spotify, Apple Podcasts. and now on YouTube. Photo by Vern Evans #future #information #power