An Admiring Look at Ronald Reagan by His Top Speechwriter Peggy Noonan

Now I've Heard Everything - A podcast by Bill Thompson


There are those who revere our 40th president as not just a great president but as a rare and exceptional leader of great principle and virtue. Into that category falls Peggy Noonan, Ronald Reagan’s top speechwriter, who crafted some of Reagan[‘s most memorable orations. In this 2001 interview Noonan talks about her book When Character Was King. Get your copy of When Character Was King by Peggy Noonan As an Amazon Associate, Now I've Heard Everything earns from qualifying purchases.You may also enjoy my interviews with Maureen Reagan and Jerry Parr For more vintage interviews with celebrities, leaders, and influencers, subscribe to Now I've Heard Everything on Spotify, Apple Podcasts. and now on YouTube #RonaldReagan #Republican #1980s #ColdWar