192: Finding Time To Workout, Make Home Remedies, and Manage A Home With Purely Parsons
Now That We're A Family - A podcast by Elisha and Katie Voetberg

Elizabeth Parsons, wife and mother of 5 and mainly known as purelyparsons on Instagram, has been sharing since 2019. Her passion is to speak life into motherhood and to help moms feel empowered to care for their children at home. She was traditionally trained as a pediatric nurse and worked inside the walls of the hospital for almost a decade before coming home full time in 2020 to be with her children. Elizabeth shares a lot of faith, motherhood, homeschooling, and natural remedies. It’s her daily prayer to use her Instagram platform for God’s glory. Two health and wellness goals she would have for each of us to start this year off, would be: 1. Move your body every day - even if it’s just a 30 minute walk - get moving! 2. Start reading labels - If you don’t know what something is, look it up and become informed! You can find more from Elizabeth on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/purelyparsons/. She has hundreds of hours worth of highlights saved over the years. Her website is https://www.purelyparsons.com where she sells organic elderberry kits, as well as other things like detox bath kids and face serum. She also talks more about faith, child immunizations, oils and has a blog full of information as well. - Top 5 Tuesday Join our weekly email list to keep up to date with the highlights of what is going on in our family life. https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/site/aboutLooking for more Now That We're A Family resources? We got 'em! Website: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nowthatwereafamily/ OUR FAMILY MUSIC ACADEMY: https://www.voetbergmusicacademy.com Is your life just too complicated to ever feel peaceful? Check out Katie's: https://getitalldoneclub.com