228: Seven Reversal Babies, Living On A Budget, and Unbelieving Parents with Scott LaPierre
Now That We're A Family - A podcast by Elisha and Katie Voetberg

Scott LaPierre is a senior pastor of Woodland Christian Church, author and popular conference speaker. He holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. Scott and his wife, Katie, have been married for 17 years and live in Washington state. God has blessed them with nine children whom they homeschool. Katie is expecting #10 in October!Scott became a writer when he started pastoring. Between emails, bulletins, announcements, and especially sermon notes, he spends more time writing than doing anything else in ministry. Because his books come from sermon transcripts, which take twenty-to-thirty hours of work per week, each book contains hundreds of hours of study in God’s Word. After publishing his first book, he began receiving speaking opportunities. Because he puts so much time and energy into his sermons, it’s truly a blessing to get more mileage out of them at speaking events. For Katie and Scott both, one of their favorite things to do is travel and put on conferences. They try to give their lives to the Lord’s service. When they go on vacations, they’re usually scheduled around ministry activities. Their kids enjoy running the booth, selling his books, and playing music. Listen today as we talk about valuing both financial life and family life, stewarding your money, passing on a vision to your children and more. You can connect and follow Scott LaPierre through the links below: Website - https://www.scottlapierre.org/Books - https://www.scottlapierre.org/books/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pastorwcc/-The Growth Initiative: Now open for enrollment! September 28 - November 2 LIVE calls will be Thursdays at 7am or 3pm PST.https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/thegrowthinitiativeRegister here for the Free Growth Initiative Masterclass:https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/growth-initiative-webinar Get it All Done Club: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/get-it-all-done-club Is your life just too complicated to ever feel peaceful? Check out Katie's Free Home Management Masterclass:https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/peacefully-productive-home-masterclass Grow as a couple and get the couple's package! You can get over $150 off if you sign up for the Growth Initiative and Get It All Done Club together.https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/offers/S3GJdvSm/checkout - Marriage Maximizer - Build A Masterpiece Marriage Whether you have been married for 30 years, or are just starting out on the adventure of a lifetime, this course is for you!https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/Marriage-Maximizer Free webinar: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/marriage-maximizer-learn-more-1 - Top 5 Tuesday Join our weekly email list to keep up to date with the highlights of what is going on in our family life. https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/top-5-tuesday-newletter - Looking for more Now That We're A Family resources? We got 'em! Website: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nowthatwereafamily/ OUR FAMILY MUSIC ACADEMY: https://www.voetbergmusicacademy.com Homeschool Course: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/homeschool