234: Teaching Your Kids About Hell And God's Judgment
Now That We're A Family - A podcast by Elisha and Katie Voetberg

An Instagram follower asked - How do you introduce your kids to Hell and the fear and wrath of God without scaring them, especially for kids who might then start to just act in fear instead of the love of God? After we read this question during a Q&A, we realized we wanted to do a whole episode on it. So today we are discussing how to tell your kids about Hell and God’s judgment without making them afraid in an unhealthy way. A danger when you are a parent and the big subjects come up with your children is panicking and saying I don’t have all the right answers. We clearly are not going to have all the right answers, but if you can take these concepts and topics in stride with your children while they are young, it is actually the healthiest way to introduce them to anything. God’s Word has all the answers. We don’t have to recreate the wheel. By reading God’s Word the subject of Hell, judgment and wrath will come across just naturally the way God intended it. We don’t have to come up with our own little perfectly packaged sit down conversation with our child. As much as you can read straight unadulterated Scripture to your children, that’s where you know it’s going to come across appropriately because God’s Word does not return void. He promises that in His Scripture. Children don’t get confused as easily as we do. We’re told to have faith like children because they are able to have that blind faith, acceptance and believe who God says He is. He is good and just. He is those things, because He says He is. We do pray for your families that the Lord would lead you in this. We think that it is wonderful that you want to introduce these things to your children. We don’t think we need to be scared of our children acting out of fear of God. As they read the Scripture and grow in their own understanding of who God is, they are going to hopefully develop that healthy fear. They are also going to understand God’s love and how they fit together. Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 10:27 - “The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.”- Marriage Maximizer - Build A Masterpiece Marriage Whether you have been married for 30 years, or are just starting out on the adventure of a lifetime, this course is for you! https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/Marriage-Maximizer Free webinar: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/marriage-maximizer-learn-more-1 - Top 5 Tuesday Join our weekly email list to keep up to date with the highlights of what is going on in our family life. https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/top-5-tuesday-newletter - Looking for more Now That We're A Family resources? We got 'em! Website: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nowthatwereafamily/ OUR FAMILY MUSIC ACADEMY: https://www.voetbergmusicacademy.com Use coupon code: YOUTUBE for 10% off each month Homeschool Course: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/homeschool Get it All Done Club: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/get-it-all-done-club Is your life just too complicated to ever feel peaceful? Check out Katie's Free Home Management Masterclass:https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/get-it-all-done-club