249: Planning for 2024 As A Couple // Dream Board Breakdown
Now That We're A Family - A podcast by Elisha and Katie Voetberg

The Growth Initiative: Winter session dates are January 11 - February 15 LIVE calls will be Thursdays at 7am or 3pm PST. https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/thegrowthinitiativeRegister here for the Free Growth Initiative Masterclass: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/growth-initiative-webinar Get it All Done Club: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/get-it-all-done-club Is your life just too complicated to ever feel peaceful? Check out Katie's Free Home Management Masterclass: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/get-it-all-done-club Grow as a couple and get the couple's package! You can get over $150 off if you sign up for the Growth Initiative and Get It All Done Club together.https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/offers/S3GJdvSm/checkout -As we wrap up the year 2023, we have been thinking a lot about how we are planning our next year. Today, we are going to share some of the new things we plan to do, as well as some of the old things and our general philosophy on setting new years goals, planning the year and reviewing the previous year (which is a huge deal for us). Overall...we are going to take you inside our minds and what we are thinking about this time of year! :) It’s encouraging to go back and reflect on the past year because we really love to look at how far we’ve come instead of looking at how far we still need to go. The horizon is always moving and that is just a fact of life. As we grow, that horizon grows. If you’re fixated on the horizon, that is where you find yourself discouraged, overwhelmed and not able to acknowledge the wins and growth in your life. Instead of trying to resist the horizon moving, we just accept that our goals will never feel like we have arrived. You really need to enjoy the journey. One way that you can do that is to look back and say “wow, we’ve come a long way” and measure backwards. One way it’s encouraging to measure backwards is see all the things we have put time and energy into that don’t necessarily show up on a progress report or monetization chart. There are a lot of things that won’t show up on those lists, but they are still such worthwhile investments of our time. We love the idea of pictures on a dream board instead of writing out goals specifically, because it captures this feeling or general direction you want to go in. It’s less like you miss the mark or hit the mark. We like just going in a general direction and making sure we keep realigning with that direction throughout the year. We are always grateful for the time and energy that goes into planning. Planning takes effort and time. We have spent hours going through our last year in review and then planning our the next year and putting stuff on the calendar. We are grateful for all these things that keep us aligned though. They have been so helpful for us!We would love to hear what you do to plan out the new year! Please let us know in the comments below. :) - Marriage Maximizer - Build A Masterpiece Marriage Whether you have been married for 30 years, or are just starting out on the adventure of a lifetime, this course is for you! https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/Marriage-Maximizer Free webinar: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/marriage-maximizer-learn-more-1 - Top 5 Tuesday Join our weekly email list to keep up to date with the highlights of what is going on in our family life.https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/top-5-tuesday-newletter - Looking for more Now That We're A Family resources? We got 'em! Website: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com OUR FAMILY MUSIC ACADEMY: https://www.voetbergmusicacademy.com FREE CHRISTMAS PIANO MASTERCLASS: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/offers/XNwm6tzK/checkout Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nowthatwereafamily/ Homeschool Course: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/homeschool