344: Parents Of 11 Talk Biggest Regrets, Hardest Seasons and Favorite Victories | Chad & Jenise Johnson

Now That We're A Family - A podcast by Elisha and Katie Voetberg

OUR FAMILY MUSIC ACADEMY: Affordable and effective online weekly music lessons designed for families. https://www.voetbergmusicacademy.comBLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY sale - Receive 50% off your first month subscribed - Use code BFPODCASTCode is valid - Thursday, November 28th - Monday, December 2nd- Interested in gifting one of our courses this Christmas? View the gift cards here:Give the gift of music - Voetberg Music Academy - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/vma-christmas-gift-voucher-printableCheck out this video to show you how you can easily gift a Voetberg Music Academy course! - https://vimeo.com/1031782979/4adb242cc1?ts=0&share=copyGet It All Done Club gift - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/offers/L2Ni4zFq/checkoutGive the gift of growth - Growth Initiative - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/GIgiftcertificate-Learn more about Chad & Jenise through the links below:- Marriage Maximizer - Build A Masterpiece MarriageWhether you have been married for 30 years, or are just starting out on the adventure of a lifetime, this course is for you! https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/Marriage-MaximizerFree webinar: https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/marriage-maximizer-learn-more-1- Chad’s book - “How To Win A Heart” by Chad Johnson - https://amzn.to/496RjMF- Join Chad’s weekly 5 Win Wednesday email list - https://newlywedcoaching.com/newsletter- Newlywed retreat - https://newlywedcoaching.com/- G5 Summit marriage retreat - https://g5summit.com- Book Jenise recommended during podcast - “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer - https://amzn.to/3OtLfUMPast Podcasts Chad & Jenise were on: - 010: Twenty Five Years of Marriage and 11 Children — How to Keep The Spark Alive with Chad and Jenise Johnson - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/podcasts/now-that-we-re-a-family-10/episodes/2147568040 - 033: What is a Proverbs 31 Man? // Interview with Chad Johnson - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/podcasts/now-that-we-re-a-family-10/episodes/2147568017 - 147: Victory Over Pornography // Interview With Chad Johnson - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/podcasts/now-that-we-re-a-family-10/episodes/2147691146 - 162: Interview With Mother Of 11, Jenise Johnson - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/podcasts/now-that-we-re-a-family-10/episodes/2147749038 - 223: Managing Energy With Littles, A Father's Role In Discipline, Marriage Q&A with Chad and Jenise Johnson - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/podcasts/now-that-we-re-a-family-10/episodes/2148066895 - 294: Mother Of 11 Kids Shares Her Wisdom: Motivating Kids, Avoiding Chaos, When Homeschool's Not An Option - https://www.nowthatwereafamily.com/podcasts/now-that-we-re-a-family-10/episodes/2148664487