What is it Like to Work With Neonates as a Dietitian? With Kate Arnold and Moriam Mustapha

The Dietitian Cafe - A podcast by Nualtra

Today we're discussing and learning more about a fascinating area – neonatal dietetics. Joining Corrine to shed some light on this area are two brilliant, registered dietitians Kate Arnold and Moriam Mustapha. Kate comes at the topic from a clinical angle as Clinical Lead Neonatal Dietitian at King’s College Hospital, London, and Mo more from a policy angle in her role as Lead Neonatal Network Dietitian at the London Neonatal Operational Delivery Network. We’ll ask about the day-to-day of a neonatal dietitian, before discussing whether more neonatal dietitians are needed and also touching on the use of AI in this area. Moriam has over 15 years of extensive clinical experience in paediatric and neonatal nutrition through the NHS and abroad and has written for numerous magazines and peer-reviewed journals. Moriam is passionate about neonatal and infant nutrition and hopes to work towards equitable and standardised nutritional care across the London network, in part, through establishing the multidisciplinary London Neonatal Nutrition Group. Moriam is an active member of the Neonatal Dietitians Interest Group - NDiG (subgroup of the British Dietetics Association – BDA). She is also an executive committee member of the British Association of Perinatal Medicine - BAPM, and the Allied Health & Public Affairs committees of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition - ESPGHAN. Kate is the Clinical Lead Neonatal Dietitian at King’s College Hospital, London and has worked as a dietitian for 25 years. She has specialised in neonates for just over 20 years, managing nutritional care for preterm and sick term infants. She has extensive knowledge in neonatal nutrition and is passionate about improving outcomes for these vulnerable infants. She is currently clinical lead neonatal dietitian at King’s College Hospital, managing a dietetic team covering 50 cots across two sites - a large surgical tertiary neonatal intensive care unit at the Denmark Hill site and a smaller local unit at the Princess Royal University Hospital site. King’s is also one of the largest liver and intestinal rehabilitation centres in the UK and, consequently, she has gained extensive experience in the management of surgical neonates including those requiring long term parenteral nutrition and intestinal rehabilitation. Kate is actively involved in research and teaching within neonatal nutrition and has presented at a local, national and international level. Show Notes: AI in the NICU article: https://www.dhinsights.org/news/ai-in-the-nicu BDA Neonatal Nutrition module (Module 5): https://www.bda.uk.com/events/calendar/paediatric-module-5-adv744-neonatal-nutrition.html E-learning for health neonatal modules: https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/introduction-to-allied-health-professionals-in-neonatal-care/ ESPGHAN recommendations - Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Infants - Future Learn platform: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/espghan-recommendation-for-enteral-nutrition-in-preterm-infants London Neonatal Network: https://londonneonatalnetwork.org.uk/our-london-neonatal-units/ Neonatal Dietitians Interest group (NDiG): https://www.bda.uk.com/specialist-groups-and-branches/paediatric-specialist-group/paediatric-sub-groups-home/neonatal-dietitians-sub-group.html NHS-E Neonatal critical care review: https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/implementing-the-recommendations-of-the-neonatal-critical-care-transformation-review/ Neonatal Nutrition Network (N3): https://neonatalnutritionnetwork.org ‘The evolving role of dietitians in neonatal units and beyond’ research paper: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1icXO6EIwSw1p0