Ep: 12 Anxiety in Pregnancy and how it looks and feels different for every women.

Nurture Hub - Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Nicola Laye & Shari Lyon


In this episode, we speak to Amanda from 'The Anxiety Wellness Queen'  about anxiety in pregnancy and how that looks and feels different for all of us. https://www.theanxietywellnessqueen.com/ What is Anxiety? Anxiety is one of the most common Mental Health conditions experienced in Australia and America today! According to the APS (Australian Psychological Society) anxiety is referred to as ‘feelings of worry, nervousness or a sense of apprehension’. We all experience anxiety at some point in our lives and it is a perfectly normal reaction to have to a stressful or nerve-racking event. Anxiety becomes an issue for many when it essentially begins to take over your life. The feelings become excessive, severe and overwhelming. Anxiety is often accompanied with symptoms such as: Difficulty Breathing Racing Heart Sweaty Palms Difficulty Concentrating Dry mouth Nauseas Hot and Cold Flushes Tightness in your Chest Excessive/Obsessive Thinking Avoidance of People or Places Negative Thoughts And the list goes on…. If you feel you need support with your anxiety through your pregnancy we both supply support to women to help ease your thoughts and feelings that you may be having that are creating these physical sensations. Join one of Shari's upcoming online Hypnobirthing courses by CLICKING HERE  or work with Nicola through some amazing breathing techniques HERE