Ep: 14 Birth Story - Healing Home Birth of a 10 pound 11 ounce baby - Part 1

Nurture Hub - Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Nicola Laye & Shari Lyon


This episode we interview parents Rianna and Darcy who just had their 4th baby at home in water with no medical intervention and baby Evie was a healthy 4.83kg (10 pounds 11 ounces 😜 ) This is episode is part 1 as Rianna shared her first 3 birth experiences with us where she shared as a young first time mum at 17 she had no idea of what to expect when it came to birth and she admits she suffered birth trauma from her first. Her next 2 births were induced due to her babies being in an unstable lie and these also caused her some trauma after her epidural didn't work both times. Next weeks episode will be the birth story of her baby girl Evie and how preparing through taking a Hypnobirthing Australia course with Shari helped her remove fears and have an amazing and healing home birth. To book into one of Shari's online Hypnobirthing Courses CLICK HERE To work with Nicola through pregnancy to release fears or if you have suffered birth trauma CLICK HERE We would love it if you subscribed and left a review for us. Thanks so much for your support Shari and Nicola xx