EP: 45 - Doula's and how they support you in birth and tips to achieve a positive VBAC with Vicki Hobbs

Nurture Hub - Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Nicola Laye & Shari Lyon


Vicki Hobbs is a Doula, Childbirth Educator, Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner and a Pregnancy Massage Therapist with over 15 years of experinece. Vicki has grown her business to promote education, planning and preparation for birth so women can enjoy their pregnancy and look forward to their birth without judgement or guilt. Vicki offers her services to the women in Perth, Australia so if you would like to connect with her CLICK HERE for all of her amazing services. Vicki is also is the founder of the Doula Training Academy and trains doulas now to support women in birth. We were so grateful that Vicki took the time to chat with us today about what the role of a Doula is and she has given you all some great tips on how you can best prepare for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) If you would like to join Shari's 'Journey to Birth' online course for only $97 and get started on your positive birth journey then CLICK HERE Or to work with Nicola through breathwork and preparing for birth CLICK HERE