EP:58 Holistic Chiropractic Care during Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond

Nurture Hub Pregnancy and Birth Podcast - With Shari Lyon - A podcast by Shari Lyon - Belly2Birth


Welcome back beautiful mama to another episode of the Nurture Hub Podcast. In this episode, we invite Dr.Elise Flipo, A Holistic Chiropractor who is the founder of Wellness Within Studio. Elise supports your family from fertility into birth & beyond. The Wellness Within Studio believe that chiropractic care is for everyone from babies to boomers. They understand each person is unique and their goal is to allow your nervous system to thrive! They see babies, children and pregnant women at Wellness Within Studio, combining chiropractic experience with specific gentle techniques. Their Philosophy is that your body is inherently healthy and their aim is to ensure that the part that keeps it healthy, your nervous system in your spine, is functioning as nature intended. Your brain is the control centre for every function of your body and delivers messages via the nerves in your spine back to the cells, organs, muscles and joints. This is how your body is able to heal itself. They focus on restoring health by removing any interference in this system that may arise from the different types of stress experienced in our busy day to day lives. They are passionate about your body’s ability to heal and thrive and believe that the health of a generation can be restored with chiropractic care, as your body heals well from the inside out. To work with Elise at Wellness Within Studio CLICK HERE to go to her website or follow her on Instagram @wellnesswithin.studio We hope you enjoy this episode and we would love for you to leave us a review. To work with Shari Lyon from Belly2Birth and join one of her Hypnobirthing Courses CLICK HERE or follow Shari @belly2birth To work with Nicola Laye in the breath or to help reduce anxiety through pregnancy or post-birth CLICK HERE or follow Nicola @nicola_laye