EPS: 23 Breaking out of a stressful career to conceive a baby and birth a business

Nurture Hub - Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Nicola Laye & Shari Lyon


In this podcast Shari & Nicola interview an inspiring Mumpreneur, Jenni Cauchi a formulator and founder of skin care range Blum, Brisbane born, a wife & mum of a beautiful little boy. Jenni shares her life and the up’s and downs of trying to become a mum and breaking the stressful career path… Jenni was thriving in her career as an Interior Designer, but working exhaustive hours in a high stress environment. She was totally happy riding the adrenaline wave until it slapped Jenni in the face (so to speak) . I would most likely have to have IVF or assisted conception. I set out on a quest for answers, If I cannot do what I am fundamentally programmed to do as a woman then what on earth was I doing wrong?! Jenni watched countless friends struggle with anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue and infertility. Jenni was struggling with her own hormonal imbalances and set out on a quest to resolve them with the hope that one day she would be able to have children after many years of absent periods. Little did she know that she was embarking on a HUGE lifestyle overhaul to eventually land at the root cause of the problem – CORTISOL! She then dove more and more into the ‘alternative’ lifestyle And Blume was born…… Jenni products invites you to carve out the time to embrace self-love and quiet moments of reflection, creating a more conducive mindset for preconception, pregnancy and postpartum. Allowing every woman an opportunity to blūm. Myself & Shari love introducing women to theses incredible experiences found within the products they truly are nurturing and is made with so much love. Sit back and feel inspired… Jenni is such a beautiful soul If you want to find out more information please see the link below to connect with Jenni and Blume https://www.blumorganics.com.au/nurturehub