Crypto Wars: From Ceasar to Quantum Powers and Smart Cities

NYUAD Institute - A podcast by NYUAD Institute


11/26/2017 People live in an era of smart cities empowered by Autonomous systems, FinTech technologies, Quantum computations and Artificial Intelligence. The new-age information revolution is pushing the limits of all electronic representations in terms of computational complexity, power, and area. The security of any hardware devices, embedded systems and generic system used within these environments will be dependent on the robustness and strength of Cryptographic primitives used as atomic security components. This talk addresses the evolutions of different cryptographic landscapes through presenting (software and hardware-centric) designs that fit into different environments, especially environments with extreme computational limitations, and the potential attacks levels proposed to estimate the resiliency of these systems. Speaker Hoda Al Khzaimi, Research Assistant Professor, Engineering; Director, Center of Cyber Security, NYUAD In Collaboration with Center for Cyber Security