Natq A Live Audiovisual Essay About Impossible Speech

NYUAD Institute - A podcast by NYUAD Institute - Thursdays


Lawrence Abu Hamdan presents "Natq," a live audiovisual essay on the politics and possibilities of reincarnation. Through listening closely to “xenoglossy” (the impossible speech of reincarnated subjects), this performance explores a collectivity of lives who use reincarnation to negotiate their condition at the threshold of the law—people for whom injustices and violence have escaped the historical record due to colonial subjugation, corruption, rural lawlessness, and legal amnesty. In the piece, reincarnation is not a question of belief but a medium for justice. * Time: 7:00pm Gulf Standard Time 10:00am Eastern Standard Time Speaker Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Artist, Audio Investigator & 2019 Turner Prize Joint-Winner In Collaboration with Al Mawrid Arab Center for the Study of Art