GLOBAL NEW YEAR'S EVE SERVICE - Prophetic Entrance Into 2024

Official Ayo Ajani - A podcast by Pastor Ayo Ajani

One of the cardinal works of the Spirit of God is to bring us into maturation, and one major tool He uses to do that is the Spirit of Wisdom. Wisdom is the master key to mighty works and great exploits. When you talk about wisdom you talk about exploits and inexplicable works. The Bible made it clear that the greatest enemy of any believer is his own ignorance because power cannot function by itself, it needs wisdom to be regulated. The true relevance of the church is not just in power but in the manifold wisdom of the Lord, a wisdom that the world cannot be able to resist. Power can bring you opportunities, but it is wisdom that will keep them, for even the world was framed by God’s wisdom. Christ has been made unto us Wisdom and Power and this is the means through which problems are solved, you cannot use power to solve wisdom problems but you can use wisdom to solve power problems. You may ask, what then is wisdom? Three key definitions of wisdom: ✅The influence of the Word of God on the human spirit causing him to have superior perspective and insight on the earth. ✅The supernatural ability to distil the best myth and innovative strategy. ✅The supernatural ability to see through situations and provide solutions beyond human understanding. In 2024 it will be to your advantage if you go after supernatural wisdom because the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men, how much more the wisdom of God. In all your getting this year, get wisdom and pursue after understanding for it is by it your fame will be spread abroad. Enough looking for miracles every now and then, it is time for the Church to step into all God has in store for us and that includes dominion over the earth which we can only access via wisdom. 2024 shall be for you THE YEAR THAT WISDOM BUILT!