Redemption Realities 2 - Pastor Ayo Ajani

Official Ayo Ajani - A podcast by Pastor Ayo Ajani

The doctrine of Identification is the most important and foundation aspect of redemption. Identification is the act of redemption in which our Lord Jesus became one with us, that He may take our place. I.e., there could be no Substitution if there's no identification (Acts 19:15). Your identity is what gives you legal existence and makes interaction possible. You get your identity as a believer from His identification with you Redemption was not just what He did for us, but what He did with us. You cannot have redemption without an identification. The one who would take our place must be us (Heb 2:14-16). It's the legal side of our redemption and it's two fold: His oneness with our humanity, and our oneness with His deity. Christ became as we were so that we can become as He is. When Adam sinned, it wasn't passed to man before he did it for man, it was passed because man did it in him. The same way redemption wasn't just done and passed to us, we did it with Christ (Gal 2:20). So everything Christ can lay claim to, you can also lay claim to it. REDEMPTIVE TRUTHS THAT MUST BE IN YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS ▶️ When He was crucified You were crucified with Him ▶️ When He died, you died with Him ▶️ When He was buried, you were buried with Him ▶️ When He was made alive, you were made alive with Him ▶️ When He rose, you rose with Him ▶️ When He sat, you sat with Him Have you been blessed by this teaching? Please ensure you share as far as you can, others need to get blessed too. also do me the honor of subscribing to this channel before leaving. For more enquiries visit Has the Lord healed you? Send your testimonies here God bless you Pastor Ayo Ajani