Season 4 - Episodes 21, 22 (Who Would Win, Ignition Point)

Oh My Glob! An Adventure Time Podcast - A podcast by Matt & Amy


We finally did it, listeners. We've reached Adventure Time's 100th episode! Whoo! Too bad we had more to say about episode 99. Hahaha! In this week's podcast, Amy and Matt discuss two fantastic episodes in general: "Who Would Win" and "Ignition Point". Keep an eye out for more podcasty goodness later this week! Leave us a voice message! And if you’re feeling especially adventurous, give us an impression of a character from the show! The number is 216-260-GLOB (or 216-260-4562). We’ll play your message over the next episode! Rate us on Apple Podcasts! Check out our website: Facebook: Contact us: [email protected] And that Twitter thing: Amy: