5 Insightful Minutes On CPG Revenue & Margin Management With A&M's David Schneidman
Omni Talk Retail - A podcast by Omni Talk Retail

In our latest 5 Insightful Minutes, the A&M Consumer & Retail Group's David Schneidman discusses how CPGs need to look at revenue and margin management (i.e. RMM) amid the ever present challenges of inflation, increasing omnichannel complexity, labor shortages, and rising customer acquisition costs. To download the Alvarez & Marsal Consumer and Retail Group's full white paper on Revenue & Margin Management, head here: https://alvarezandmarsal-crg.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Revenue-and-Margin-Management-Alvarez-and-Marsal-Consumer-Retail-Group.pdf *Sponsored Content*