A Good Year with a Good God

on Haven Hill - A podcast by Lindsay van Zyl


I’ve heard it said that there is nothing magical about January 1, and I agree that the date itself holds no real power to determine our success or failure in starting a new year strong. However, I’ve always held January 1 in high regard because —whether you choose to acknowledge it or not by setting specific resolutions or making a list of goals — the day seems to spark a universal decision in almost all of us. January 1 invites us to believe that it doesn’t have to be like it’s always been, and for whatever reason, I’ve found that on this day, over any other day of the year, many of us are more open to actually accepting that invitation by starting to walk in the direction of change. 

So on January 1, 2018 I decided to believe that my year would be marked by God’s goodness.  

Follow the journey: havenhill.co