Breaking Down Warren Buffett's 2023 Shareholder Letter | Yun Li

On The Margin - A podcast by Blockworks


This week, as Mark takes some well deserved time off, we combine forces with Jack Farley, host of the Forward Guidance podcast for a special edition of Forward Marginal Guidance. As Berkshire Hathaway released their 2023 shareholder letter, we invited Buffett expert Yun Li to the show to share her top takeaways from this years annual letter. We then take a deep dive into inflation, yields and the how the Fed may be forced to act as signs of inflation resurging rear their head. To hear all this and more, you'll have to tune in! -- Follow On The Margin: Follow Forward Guidance: Follow Yun: Follow Jack: Follow Mike: Follow Blockworks: -- Referenced In The Show: To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway: -- Research, news, data, governance and models – now, all in one place. As a listener of On The Margin, you can use code "MARGIN10" for a 10% discount when signing up to Blockworks Research -- Use code MARGIN10 to get 10% off Permissionless 2023 in Austin: -- Disclaimer: Nothing discussed on On The Margin should be considered as investment advice. Please always do your own research & speak to a financial advisor before thinking about, thinking about putting your money into these crazy markets.