Kristoffer Appelquist // Sailing Newbie
On the Wind Sailing - A podcast by 59º North Sailing Podcasts - Tuesdays

#191: Kristoffer Applequist is kind of a big deal in Sweden. One of the countries premier comedians, Kristoffer is also a sailor, and a longtime fan of the podcast. He reached out to me a while back, and we’ve since become friends. Mia & I visited his beautiful house in the Sunne, in central Sweden, to talk to Kristoffer about his comedy background & his sailing ambitions. Since this conversation, his sailing goals have seriously ratcheted up - he recently bought a Hallberg-Rassy Monsun 31, and has even bigger cruising plans. Follow him on Instagram @appelstoffe. Ask us Anything! Send questions to [email protected], or leave us a voicemail on 443-440-5411 and we'll play it on the show! -- On the Wind is presented by Weems & Plath. Go online for their full catalog of nautical & weather instruments at -- Come offshore sailing with Andy & Mia on Isbjorn at