One Great Book Volume 2 Trailer

One Great Book - A podcast by Anne Bogel


One Great Book returns with Volume 2 on June 21st! A whip-smart heroine witnesses a murder intended for her...An unexpected inheritance brings the opportunity for reinvention…A family gathers to untangle their truths…A man walks into a coffee shop, and a wind of change blows in the door behind him... All those stories and more are on their way, from Anne Bogel host of What Should I Read Next?. Each week on One Great Book, Anne pulls a standout title from her personal bookshelves, and shares just enough of the enticing details to encourage you to pick up these older gems... and it all happens in 10 minutes or less. To double your great books, become a patron at and receive a weekly BONUS EPISODE covering stellar upcoming releases, so you can be the first at your library to get your hands on new great books. Mark your calendars and subscribe to One Great Book on your favorite podcast app. We’ll see you on June 21st!