Nat Carey aka Valentina Brave_Calling me back

OneSpaceLove Sessions - A podcast by Steph Papas


"It doesn't matter how far away astray we go from ourselves there is this part of us that is constantly calling out to us, asking us to come home to our self" Nat Carey aka Valentina Brave Nat and I caught up for the first time, sharing her journey from growing up around music, storytelling, to her own personal mission sharing story through the power of sound vibration and music. Nat Carey shares how she does Sound Healing. You can follow,  Brave_Spirit _Sound_Sessions on instagram to learn more and book in for a session.  Learn more about Valentina Brave Music Latest release "This place your soul" produced by Danielle Caruana (Mama Kin) To capture Valentina Brave's voice and music is to hitch a ride in Persephone's Ute, having burned across the darkest night of the soul, picked up the Virgin Mary herself to ride shotgun, with Betty Davis on the bonnet. Her vintage rock, murder ballads and soul anthems come directly from the underworld. These are transformative songs that will spit you out the other side of a journey that may begin in suffering, but ends in a melodic freedom. Brave makes vulnerability her ally, a powerful medicine in these times. An artist worth witnessing, Brave shared the stage with global luminaries Michael Franti, Jackson Browne and Juanes at Byron Bay Blues and Roots Festival when Franti invited her to perform for his main stage closing set. With overwhelming response, it was a landmark moment in the evolution of powerhouse vocalist, improviser and world class artist. Her Debut EP Wildflower, produced by aria nominated musician Danielle Caruana (Mama Kin), as the title suggests, is indicative of what grows out of human heartache. Wildflowers grow in graveyards, sprung from grief, their beauty bleeding unapologetically into the earth. Like these plants, Brave is a resilient feminine force. Listen "I Met a Man" and "Calling me Back"Nat Carey aka Valentina Brave_Calling me back