#180: What does it take to become a full time Forex trader?

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


Podcast: What does it take to become a full time Forex trader? In this video: 00:29 – Don’t expect to earn a living from trading if you have $100 in your account 00:58 - Anything that is good takes effort 01.10 – Coaching clients gives up his job to trade Forex full time 01:50 – Started my coaching course 5 years ago 02:45 – Feeling confident to take that next step after making excellent returns 03:30 – Analyse the charts at the weekend 04:00 – Take your time and get it right 04:30 – Don’t expect it to work straight away What's it take to become a full time Forex Trader? Let's talk about that and more right now. Hi traders it's Andrew Mitchem here, the Forex trading coach today. It's Friday the 27th of May. I'm going to talk about becoming a full time trader. It's a topic that so many people ask me about and it's one of those things that's a little bit frustrating because so many people come to me and say, Don’t expect to earn a living from trading if you have $100 in your account "Hey Andrew, I've heard about this trading thing. I've got $100. I think I can make it. I think I can become a full time trader." I never hear from them again. It's one of those things that because Forex trading's put out there on the internet to be, not a get rich quick scheme, but something that doesn't take a lot of effort and you're going to make a lot of money and solve all your financial problems. That unfortunately is the perception that too many people have. Anything that is good takes effort In reality, it's like anything. It takes ... Anything that's good. It takes hard work. It takes dedication. It takes consistency. It's really important that you understand that if you wanted to become a full time trader. Coaching clients gives up his job to trade Forex full time Just last week I had a visit from a client of mine called Stephen, who lives up in Auckland in New Zealand, about 2 hour drive from me. He came down to see me because he wanted to tell me that after 5 years of being with my course, he's now packed in his job. He was actually in a tour of the area around me seeing some of his clients. He worked for a big finance company on a very good wage, I would imagine. He was actually seeing these clients saying, "I'm finishing and I'm going to be trading full time." He just wanted to see them as a courtesy call. He came to see me to say thanks for your course, for inspiring him into trading, but also for sticking with it. Started my coaching course 5 years ago That's the important thing. For the last 3 years Stephen's made absolutely phenomenal gains, but he didn't jump into quitting his job and trading full time after having 2 weeks of having good gains. He's consistently logged into my webinars. He's consistently logged into my membership site and looked at trades, asked questions, phoned me, being to see me. He's taken the effort and he's not rushed into it and jumped in both feet or dived in head first. Whatever phrase it is you want to use. He's not done that. He's been with me for 5 years. He's had 3 excellent, excellent years on a live account. He's got it all tracked in terms of his performance. He's been trading at very low risk exactly like he wants to continue now that he's a full time trader. He's taken that decision to go full time. I said to him, "Why have you done that?" Feeling confident to take that next step after making excellent returns Of course, the obvious of not wanting to work for someone else, not wanting to travel, etc like that, and being your own boss. He said he's that happy with his trading that to him it's now the natural progression. Yes, sure he wants to start trading for some other people o...