#392: Why I Trade with Low Risk Per Trade

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


Why I Trade with Low Risk Per Trade  Podcast: #392: Why I Trade with Low Risk Per Trade In this video: 00:29 – Why do you keep your risk per trade low? 01:03 - 2 things you must control 03:05 – This completely amazes me 04:08 – We also have high R:R trades 05:33 – Understanding the market and understanding yourself 06:10 – Our 2020 Black Friday 12 Hour Sale I get asked all the time, why I trade with such low risk. Let me explain more right now. Hey traders, it's Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 392. Why do you keep your risk per trade low? The question I get asked quite often is, "Andrew look, if you've been trading for so long and you know what you're doing, you know how to trade, why is it that you constantly promote and suggest other people trade with such low risk per trade?" And it's quite an interesting question because people think that, you can just go and risk crazy amounts and make exceptional returns. For me as a full-time trader, that's been doing this for close on 17 years, I can tell you that yes, you can make exceptional returns from the Forex market, but you can do that without risking crazy amounts. 2 things you must control Now, for me, there's two things as a trader, that you have to control. One is your head. The other is your heart. If you can control those two emotions, then you are a long way down the track to helping yourself becoming a good trader. And for me, I've never really, had to worry about my trading because what I know I've got a strategy that works and I'm very comfortable trading it, and I know how to trade it. It's been proven for such a long time. But also because I trade with such low risk per trade, I can place trades. I've got trades on behind me right now. I can go to sleep. I can go away for the day. I can do all sorts of things without stressing about trades, because I know that every single trade that I place has a very low and a controlled stop loss. And I'm not talking about putting a stop loss at 10 pips or 50 pips or a hundred pips or anything like that. I'm talking about if my trade gets stopped at and I place, my stop loss at a reason, not just at a number. In other words, I'm not placing it at 10 pips or 50 pips. I'm placing it at a level on the charts for a reason. Well, I know that that's say, got a good chance of not being stopped at, but let's say it does. And of course we all have trades that get stopped at. If it does, I know what my risk is as a percentage of my total account. And I can live with that because I know that it's not going to damage me. I know I can get up and trade again tomorrow. And that's the problem that I see so many traders having, and they have a losing streak and all of a sudden it's like, "Oh my goodness." It's the head and the heart, again. "I can't trade." Or. "I'm scared to trade." Or they see a really good setup and they go and take less risk than they normally would because they've had a string of losing trades. And of course that becomes the trade that ends up winning. And they only make a small amount rather than what they should be making. So you see the issue. This completely amazes me Now, it still blows me away that I see they're just all over the internet, people saying, you should be risking 2%, 5% per trade. 5% per trade. I can have 10 trades in a row, go wrong and lose 5%, which hardly ever happens by the way. But I could have 10 trades in a row go wrong and I lose 5% of my account. These guys online are suggesting that you risk 5% per trade. You imagine what happens when you end up with three or four or five losing trades in a row. How are you feeling? Not only that is, what have you got to do as a percentage gain to make back that loss that you...