#446: The Importance of a Traders Community

Online Forex Trading Course - A podcast by Online Forex Trading Course - Sundays


The Importance of a Traders Community  Podcast: Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course - Click Here #446: The Importance of a Traders Community In this video: 00:30 – Trading can be a lonely business 01:31 – We are big on creating a trading community 02:02 – Feedback from traders 02:21 – The webinars and the Forum site make the difference 03:50 – There are 5-10 trades posted per day 05:50 – Blueberry Markets are the best 06:45 – Any topics that you’d like me to discuss Talking with other traders and being part of a like-minded community is a massive way to ensure that your trading is successful. Let's talk about that and more right now. Hey, traders. Andrew Mitchem here at The Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 446. Trading can be a lonely business Now, trading, as you probably know, can be quite a lonely business. You're probably trading from home, let's say, and no one really understands what you're doing, your wife, husband, partner, kids, parents. No one really knows. A lot of people don't really care. No one understands what it is that you're really doing. They say to me, "Are you trading stocks or something like that, or share trading?" And that's as about as much as they know. Family and friends, in most instances, are not that helpful when it comes to trading. As a result of that, you, as the trader, you sit there at home like me here with the computer and it's just you and the computer and it's quite lonely. It can be quite boring. It's not a very good way of... Especially when you're new or you've been trading for a while and you're getting real frustrated, it's not a good way of ensuring success. Trading can be a lonely business Now, one of the things that we do at Forex Trading Coach is we are really big on our trading community and helping people in real time. When people have been with us for six months and then a year, we go back to them and say, "Look, what is it that you are doing now that's different? What are your liking most about the course? Anything we can do to add to things, change things, improve things," just to get constant feedback from people. Feedback from traders And without a doubt, the feedback's very consistent, and the people love the strategy. They love the email support. They love the software. They love the daily trades. They can follow along. All that people love. The webinars and the Forum site make the difference But the two things that stand out in most cases are the fact that people absolutely love being on the live weekly webinars and they love the forum site. When you think about that, two of those are things that happen in real time. They're places where you can interact and be part of a community. Now, most online forums, and I know this from years ago with experience, are just dreadful. Absolutely awful places to be. It's just taken over by a small minority of people. Systems come and go. They swap and change all the time. It just never ends well. It just doesn't. Never does. What I love about our forum site is it's for clients only. We're only talking and trading one strategy and everybody there is there with the same common goal, to be a good trader, to help other people to be profitable, and just to basically make this work for them. And that's what we get. We have a live chat facility where clients can all ...