#447: This Is Why So Many People Are Trading Gold Right Now?

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This Is Why So Many People Are Trading Gold Right Now?  Podcast: Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course - Click Here #447: This Is Why So Many People Are Trading Gold Right Now? In this video: 00:32 – Talking Gold, Great Results and 12/13 Profitable Trades 01:11 – Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it affects the market 02:12 – Fear and Uncertainty 02:48 – A lot of trades are on Gold 03:30 – Uncertainty over the morals of the banks 04:25 – Very few D1 trades but lots of H12 and H8 trades 05:00 – Trading Long and Short 06:26 – Future proofing yourself 07:12 – Client makes 8% gain on a $100k account in the last 2 days Why are so many people trading gold right now, and how does the Russian invasion of Ukraine affect us as forex traders? Let's get into that and more right now. Hey there, forex traders. Andrew Mitchem here at The Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 447. Talking Gold, Great Results and 12/13 Profitable Trades Lots to get through on this session. I want to talk about gold. Why are so many people trading gold right now? Also, want to cover the amazing story I was told yesterday by one of our coaching clients who has just made 8% gain in the last two days, trading on a $100,000 prop firm account, and also want to discuss with you how we put, on our membership site, 10 trades yesterday. All 10 hit profit. I also took three trades on our live webinar yesterday, and two out of three also hit profit, so having some really good success there with our trades. Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it affects the market Elsewhere in the world, what's happening? Well, over the last 24 hours, Russia has now invaded into Ukraine. Obviously going to cause a lot of turmoil, a lot of issues politically. It's going to put up oil prices. It's not going to help us with inflation. The US-Russian ruble has moved more today, in 24 hours, than it's moved in the entire last 12 months. Great volatility out there, which, as traders, actually provides us with some good trading opportunities. You got to be careful that you don't want to be seen that a war's starting, and you're taking advantage of it, but the wars do move things and the market is now moving. As traders, and as technical traders, we're not so much interested in what the fundamentals are behind the scenes. It's more what's happening on the charts and trading those opportunities. We're certainly seeing that come into the market right now. Fear and Uncertainty Obviously with war, there comes fear and anxiety and uncertainty. We've been through two years of this with COVID. Most of the world, thankfully, is now getting on with life. Here in New Zealand, unfortunately, we're still stuck in the fear of the COVID situation and government control and everything else that's going on. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, there's this uncertainty and that fear. Oil prices, like I said, have gone up. Shipping costs have gone up. Inflation's going up. Everything's going up, becoming more and more expensive. Mortgage rates are going up, et cetera. A lot of trades are on Gold I was talking to Ben Clay over at Blueberry Markets earlier in the week, and he said to me, a very high proportion of their trading right now, that they're seeing at Blueberry Markets, is on gold. It got me thinking of ... This is prior to the Russian invasion,